Ahh! I NEED friends! <3
I never said I hate myself.
Thank you tremendously for this. I can't thank you all enough really :#
Thank you for making that clear to @jennifershoo = Jennifer, I am not looking for a quick fix. I pray that you never go through bulimia or anorexia because it is not as simple or easy to fix as you may think.
I understand. Congrats on your 50 lb loss.. :)
I have. I will be re reading this and taking notes so I can really beat my ED.
This was amazingly helpful.. Thank you <3
Why would you think this is an expert troll? Thank you for the wishes.. I feel that my mindset has been changed from this thread.
Very true..
Yes, this is even more helpful!
Thank you, I'm overwhelmed and I hope that I can do this.. <3
Thank you so much that's so sweet of you <3 I do feel very different.. :)
I think I should.. The thing stopping me is, " Oh I'm a few months clean why don't I just recover on my own without telling anyone? " So it's making this hard. Thank you though.
Thank you very much. I agree, I hope I can do this.
Thank you so much
I do feel loved :) Thank you. I don't want to see the doctor at all, but I'm guessing I have to so I can recover. I'm going to call a hotline for sure and talk to someone. I've been bottling it all up too much. Thanks for the kind wishes <3
I do not, no. I'm a new child into logging calories.
Thank you <3 I'll keep that in mind.
Yeah this idea did go through my mind. I think it would be really benificial
Ahh this made me tear up. Thank you ♥
I feel kind of relieved. I'm really taking all of your replies to heart so thank you.
I can make the appointment private, that's fine. But my Mom and I have a strong bond and I don't want to destroy it by hiding something like this from her.. And I don't want to destroy it by telling her this either. Sorry, I'm probably coming off as stubborn. I'm just trying to find a way to tell my doctor and not feel…
I wish I could tell a friend or a family member, but I just can't. I'm so overwhelmed with how they will think of me and I don't want to be " that girl with the ED " :'( I have to find a really smart way to let someone know..
I've never thought about that. I'll look up the eating disorder hotlines.. Thank you ♥
Yeah, its really scary.. I feel that my family will not be as proud of me and that I'll be treated differently. The good side of it is that I'll probably be able to get proper help
I understand. Thanks for the help, I'm going to try to find a way to let someone know and then talk to my doctor.
My doctor does not know about this and I'm not brave enough to let them now.