leoninhughes607 Member


  • Wow Minties you've done so well! I look forward to being able to say I've lost so much! You're right. If I can work out my body's habits I can just let the calorie deficit do it's thing without stressing about the scales. Wow imagine how much better off you are without that extra weight on you! I bet you wouldn't like to…
  • Well done you! Are you feeling good?
  • I've been trying to sort of "re-set" my relationship with food. I'm not planning on staying with 1300 calories long term, I'm just sticking with it until I can have one biscuit without being greedy and eating the whole packet! I want this to be a long term lifestyle change so I know I need to change my way of thinking.
  • Thank you! Yeah I feel good. It was really difficult for the first week because I was used to huge portions and no limits on unhealthy snacks. But now I know how to control my portions and have healthier snacks to stop myself being too hungry between meals it's much easier. Yeah I thought with my weight and height (5'3)…
  • Treat yourself to some beautiful underwear and try and remember that breasts come in all shapes and sizes. Even Victoria's Secret Angels have the benefit of bras to make their's look perky!
  • Yeah water weight makes sense! I'll just keep doing what I have been then. Even discounting the first week, 2lb a week isn't bad. I suppose starting off so heavy there's an expectation that I'll lose it quickly in the beginning. Adjusting expectations and being patient are the things to do for me then! Thanks for the input!
  • I suppose it could be hormonal so another month or 2 would show a trend. I weigh every day and even though I know I can't expect the fat to just melt away I'm quite disappointed not to see any weight loss for 5 days. That's pathetic of me though! Gotta suck it up!
  • Thanks I'll review again in another 4 weeks then!
  • Yeah I know. I addressed that in what I said. But some people do feel like their relationship with certain foods is like an addiction. And that is how they feel. You may not be able to empathise. And I'm not telling you to sympathise. I was just saying it's all semantics. A way of people trying to describe how they feel.
  • You are about to get inundated with a whole load of less than helpful comments about food addiction not being real. It's all semantics though. When you are in a rut or have a compulsion it can make you feel like you're addicted. Particularly if you struggle with an eating disorder. Start small. Start logging everything you…
  • So are gambling and sex addiction not real because the withdrawal won't kill them? I'm confused. Anyway back to why you originally posted. I'd just say keep busy, make sure you are eating enough fat, protein and carbs, try and find other ways to treat yourself (nice bath, new makeup, time to sit and read or watch TV).…