clbstevenson Member


  • I also had arthroscopic surgery in 2011 and 2 pregnancies in 3 years following the surgery, lol! That cartilage didn't have a chance! And PT didn't want to touch me most of that time because I was either preggers or recovering from the physical pressure of pregnancy/c-section. Guess it is time to go back. Thanks for the…
  • For cardio...I am doing 15 minutes of warm up on a recumberant bike and 20 minutes of interval training on the elliptical (as per my physical therapist post-surgery). They also recommend swimming, but my labral tear makes rotation pretty uncomfortable.
  • Thanks. I have been able to do the planks with the ball under your knees and you retract your knees. (Like a reverse sit up?) I will look for other variations. Any other ideas? I struggle with unsupported leg rotation. Other things are fine.
  • was all of those dang leg windmills during Pilates that aggravated the hip. All of the upper body work was fine. I just struggled with the broad rotation exercises in the legs.