kanka2 Member


  • Hey. I think the good thing about this way of weight loss is u can adapt it to your own needs. Everyones had different likes and dislikes for food. And everyones reasons for failing is different. I have been using this app for a while. The first time i lost about 4 stone. But due to health issues i gained it all back :'(…
  • My problem is staying motivated on those stressful or *kitten* days. How do you do it?
  • Dont start exercising too soon. My mum made that mistake after she had my younger brother. She was only doing yoga/pilaties but pushed herself too hard and started getting bad pains. 22 years later she is still paying the price. Not trying scare u, just saying take it easy and listen to ur body. Not the mirror ;) Besides u…
  • I comfort eat. That is why im am overweight. But i have already lost 2 stone so slowly i am getting there. But what we need to remember is to not restric ourselves when we are on our normal "diet" one piece of cake is not going to make u fat, but the whole cake might just do it. So sometimes if u feel like ur about to…