sheree74 Member


  • A new SAHM here, my son is 23 months, just finally lost my final lb of baby weight (41 lbs) but I still have overall 80 lbs I'd like to lose, and hoping to get pregnant again soon. Feel free to add me :)
    in SAHM Comment by sheree74 January 2017
  • I am right there with you, I have had weight problems since I was 10, when I was 11 my parents put me on weight watchers and I lost 27 pounds, but it was easy back then because they were making my meals for me. I'm 20 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, my son just turned 2 months yesterday, I want him to be proud of…
  • It's been a week and a half, how's everyone doing?
  • Looking forward to hearing more from you! I definitely understand making good examples for the little one and the rest of the family. 90% of the adults in my family are overweight and have always shown the example that its OK to be heavy and eat til you're stuffed and I don't want to set that same example for my son.
  • Hello all! Sounds like we're all going through about the same struggles. My name is Sheree, I have a 7week old boy and have been home since having him. Back in 2011 I had gotten up to my heaviest -290 my now husband and I set our minds to shedding the weight we both had put on since being together, I lost 63 pounds up to…