stacybelen Member


  • Thank you! As long as I maintain my supply ok once I go back to work, I have a friend that's due with twins that I'm hoping to be a long term donor for this time around. :)
  • I started pumping the day I came home from the hospital. I'm kinda an overproducer lol. I have over 400 oz in my deep freezer already and my son is 8 wks tmw. I always pump right away in the morning, even after he eats and then I airways pump every 2-3 hrs if he doesn't nurse off both sides. I'll be pumping at work too in…
  • My newborn is 2.5 weeks. He's nursing on average 2-3 hrs a day and in addition to that I'm pumping 10-20 oz a day. I have about 200 oz frozen already. Lack of supply fortunately has never been an issue for me ;). I decided to drop it down to 800 calories a day, that's probably more accurate.
  • I did know that, thanks. But I'm also trying to track my newborns nursing. My bf app tracks the time I spend nursing too. So I log it, I enter it by time, not ounces