I just count my calories so far &&work out
Yeeeeeees thank you
I've lost 23 pounds so far
Yeeeeees I can't wait
Thank you
The treadmill mill I
I've lost 20 pounds in 3 months it's taking me a lil bit but I'm not giving up
Thank you thank you I accepted
Wow I'm glad I could help someone thank you makes me feel great don't give up it takes one day at a time we can do this
Squat squat squat girl
Hell yes you will DO NOT give up it's gonna happen
Thank you I'm still on it
Thank you
Thank y'all
At first I was t but now I am and it really helps to add In everything you possibly can
50 to 100 four times a week
Three months
Right now I'm intake is at 1700 but I try to eat about 1200 a day and if I get a good work out I might eat a lil more .. but at the gym everything that I lift (weights) I do it about 50 times each Idont what the different things are called at the gym sorry I hope that was helpful
It hasn't effected it at all I feel like every sense I started this journey my body has been in less pain and I feel more stronger each day instead of bein weak I try to just get some kind of exercise any kinda movement because with lupus my body tends to stiff up and atheritis kicks in so I was told you have to keep the…
We can do this together
That's everything I use just stay at it
Thank you I'm trying
About two and a half months
Just basically cardio and weights
Treadmill and weights for my legs and stomach and squats and the eliptical for your legs ... I hope I was helpful
About two months I notice the change get on them squats y'all thay work
Thanks y'all in trying my very best
Yes weight training and squats I also use the eliptical you can do it too don't give up