Thanks for all the kind comments. It has really helped my motivation because, in the past, after I have achieved some success, I'd stop working and let the old bad habits creep back in. You have all helped me stay on track. A couple of things that I did not mention that I will now as you never know who it could help.…
I'll steal from Nike and use their quote to say... "Just do it". One day at a time, one step at a time, one meal at a time. Stack good moments on top of one another and soon you'll have good days, good weeks, good months, and soon a good life. Concentrate on living a healthy lifestyle and don't look for instant results. As…
Speaking of the kids, another moment that made me realize I had to do something was when they made a girls only club in their room and wouldn't let me in without the password. I asked the one sitting on my lap what the password was and she said "Daddy's Big belly"! So, as they say, "from the mouth of babies......"
Yeah, I have found that out as well. I am having to tote this large bag of food into work and am eating 4-5 times a day, where I used to eat 1 or 2. Not complaining though. I have lost 35 lbs to date.