Thanks so much for this info, very very helpful.
I will try that thanks so much
I'm going to work on that, not paying so much attention to the scale, but more to how I look and feel...thanks : )
1 egg 4 ounces of egg whites and one slice of bacon Monday-Friday
80% of the time I convince myself that it's okay to eat what I want as long as it's within my calorie goal for the day.
I started at 229 (in April) and now down to 216 pounds by basically eating "healthy" for breakfast and lunch, then i use the rest of the calories I have left for the day to eat what I want but within my calorie goal for the day. I also workout 4-5 days a week. It does seem unreal that you can eat what you want and lose…
Thank you for your help
Keep in touch we can take this journey on together, congrats on your weight loss so far!
Good for you! We can do it just have to stay motivated and not give up
Thank you I can't wait until I can say the same! Congrats on your weight loss!
Let's be friends we can motivate eachother
I could use friends to motivate me on my journey and hopefully I can do the same!