Maybe I wasn't clear. My friend makes a dish by entering all the ingredients one by one. We are going to eat the same dish but I do not want to enter all the ingredients he entered again. He is a friend on my profile. My question is: Is there way I can add the meal he had prepared into my food entry, without having to…
PS. Why can't I post at the support forum? It ays I don't have permission!
I give up!
The MFP database is a quasi public "editable" database. It is not "maintained" by public like Wikipedia is. Editing and maintaining are two very different processes.
Not about MFP tools but physics. It's elementary that units for volume (cup) cannot be used for solid items. Besides, I was only suggesting a tried and tested public maintained database example (Wikipedia).
Thank you
I'm sorry but haven't you seen the 95g on that entry? They may use the 'layman term' cup but immediately qualified it with the exact weigh in grams. I can't see your counter argument. LOL How can you say that to the French? They saved you from the British imperialist forces and set you free. Joke aside, I assume you were…
They do not have to manage it. All they need is to put the methods and systems in place and police that. Like Wikipedia does it. They do not manage content, public does it. The problem now there is no method and systems in place nor any editors assigned.
What I learned from this thread that MFP made a pig of managing the database.
Earlnabby, thank you! Using "usda" along with the food name does indeed shows correct entries. If we can enter into the MFP database, why can't we edit it? There already a system that works pretty well, Wikipedia. MFP can copy the system of editors and have their database sorted.
Can any user makes an entry to MFP database?
I think I was not clear on the purpose of my post. I do know that cups and grams are not interchangeable and the the former measures volume, the latter weigh. My post is about why MFP doesn't? And, why they have so many entries with meaningless measures? Their USP of the app is the food database, which we can all agree…