She changed her name and didn't tell me!
she will be perfect
I would love to
date plus @laprimaJenny
what ever he damn well wants it to be! for Morgaen Jo, you have two fantastic best features. Zipy, you ain't seen my legs LOL
love the hair
9.3 for class
Definitely both
The last three guys that she took down in a wrestling match!
Thanks for clarifying that zippy LOL
Wish she was single, ageless, inspiration OOps that was DANCE 4 LIFE siport you are single, 23, and just got out of university
I certainly would!
I can only see the current, but he looks like a classy guy there
Either of you chaps know where Sawbridgeworth or Harlow is? I lived there for a few years.
Her collection of prom dresses
From Pittsburgh, currently in Tampa, but heading to Calgary
NBA material here NOT 5' 5"
Wow great hair but that #2 Picture is fantastic!
mmmm Peeking Duck LOL wanna a bite Jo?
Yes I have! Have you ever woke up and had no idea where you were or how you got there
But what a way to die
I certainly would
She is strong willed!
Married 30 Admin Assistant
he has a duck. we could send it for help!
she doesn't have a single bad picture but the current one is the best
Dance for starters