lloftus723 Member


  • Eating enough...
  • More iron? I know with my sons iron deficiency, if he doesn't get enough he could sleep for days. Pregnant? Not enough enough?
  • Also the butterfly chops at hyvee, you can usually get two for $4, and then cutting them in half creates 4 different meals. That's only $1 a piece! Invest in a toaster oven. I cook everything in mine! (Haven't had a microwave for over a year) I just pop one in there for about 15 minutes and its good to go. I eat egg whites…
  • Ugh just made the most amazing shake. 1 cup almond milk, half cup mixed berries (frozen, hyvee brand) half cup strawberries (frozen hyvee brand) 1 oz frozen banana, 1/4 cup water, and 1/2 90 calorie fiber one chocolate fudge brownie (I was craving chocolate). I have never used almond milk, or the fiber one bar, and its…
  • Makes total sense. I have wondered how to use the my recipe option. I will check it out. I don't usually eat a lot of BIG meals, more so several smaller meals. I'm just never hungry enough to eat a full chop, or chicken breast. Even without eating the smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Ok thank you! I will go back and change it.
  • Ok. So should I cut my meat smaller before preparing it? I am a single mom of two picky eaters so I get my meat packaged in single meat servings (one pork chop, one steak) in an effort to save money and not waste food. Maybe cutting that in half and then reweighing?
  • No. Fries in a BBops shake...wayyyyy better
  • Thank you! I will check that out. And yes I am not too keen on medication. Not bashing those that feel the meed for it, or those that it helps, but me personally I do not want to become medically dependent. Thanks for all of your kind words!
  • I agree. :)
  • ot sure if its the same, but my issue is I get to thinking too much. I think too much about all the possible things I could do wrong, say wrong, mess up etc etc... how people will look at me, react to me..its exhausting to be honest. I can talk myself out of anything. Even just to go spend time with friends Ive known…
  • Thank you I appreciate that. Its not fun but its something I definitely need to get over. I don't even know why I am like that. I am working on it though, and all of the comments give me something to think about when I start to worry. And I also love love that last part as well!!!
  • :open_mouth: what did you do?
  • I get what you are saying, but mine is more anxiety related. I can't go to the grocery store without a pep talk, and a racing heart. Something about being in public that gets to me. But knowing others could care less if I run on by is something I can remember while doing so.
  • 5'6 130lbs 1380/day burn around 300.
  • Thanks guys (and gals). Knowing how others think makes me feel a little better. I appreciate the help. :)
  • Chased by a cow?!? Hahaha how does that happen? Sorry I found that funny. I live in Iowa and have never experienced that. Now I will be on the lookout. I wish I had someone like you to workout with. Sounds like fun!
  • get how you're feeling but, honestly, think about the last time you saw someone running in your neighborhood or at the park. What did you think? Did you really notice them? What were your thoughts upon seeing them? Were they negative or more than a passing thought? Good point. I guess I don't really notice! Thanks!
  • I can't. I'm dying. :D :D :D
  • Sorry op didnt mean to hijack your post. 10Min jumping jacks 140 crunches 140 sit ups (alternate every other day with 20-20sec planks) 140 squats I increase these by 20 every other day (just recently started) 45 minutes cardio
  • Interesting I did not know this. I do the same routine everyday, so that is not good? What is micro tearing?
  • Verrryyy routine!!! So that makes total sense. I had not thought about that. Thank you!
    in Stuck Comment by lloftus723 April 2015
  • What do you mean by burnt out? The calories I'm eating are actually more than I usually consume. I have a hard time changing that. Will that affect my toning? I feel like what I have been doing the last few days is obtainable for a long period of time, just curious if it will actually work. I am just kind of stuck.
    in Stuck Comment by lloftus723 April 2015
  • Thank you! That is not all at once. I split in half. The first half of the day is half and then second half after noon. My kids enjoy jumping around and crawling on the floor with me lol so if its something I can do here its not hard to find time. Its more motivation for me. But thanks again! Do you think thats enough?
    in Stuck Comment by lloftus723 April 2015
  • Dirty martinis taste....dirty to me. Lol how do y'all drink those?!
  • The rum sounds yummy!
  • Champagne kills me the next day. :( I wish I could drink it. Even one glass and I am hung OVER
  • Haha yes I'll take that.
  • Lol hey now!
  • 10 jealous of your blue eyes!