Snapchat csh.infotech
Snapchat csh.infotech
I've raised a decent amount of money so far at work! I'm pretty happy with it!
Thank you, friend!
No shave November... Doing it for cancer!
So comfortable!! Occasionally I need breathing room.. But I get by...
I have a similar pair of pants.
Got my buddy watching football with me.
My son... Everyday
What a good looking dog!
He's white with a brown spot on him.
Sorry to hear that... This guy is 1.5 years old.
Me and my "lap dog"...
On my way... Goodnight ;)
Helmet head
Bike rider
Down low
Swing set
Hook up
Fishing line
Line leader
Major league
Very sweet
Thank you @MzIrish
Never give up!
[/quote] This is adorable! And you look so much alike! [/quote] Thank you! Yea.... I hear he looks a little like me... Haha