sagarlalla Member


  • Yeah, I realized soon after that I was just fat and not skinny fat. Guess who's not fat anymore?!
  • That's going to take a hell of a long time but, I want to get to at least 140-150 lbs with 8% body fat or lower.
  • Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym to do some squats because assisted pistol squats just doesn't cut it. I'm going to slowly get into the bulking phase. I'm mostly going to focus on calisthenics, mainly because I have lots of other things to do that are also important for the time being. Goals wise... This guy
  • Weight is around 131-133 Height- 5' 7 1/2" No program, just calorie deficit, decrease sodium in all foods, eat really clean (snuck in junk here and there) Stopped lifting weights, I only did calisthenics, I do pull ups everyday and I dance everyday. Full body workouts every other day
  • Oh yeah here's the back, I still have lingering chest fat and stomach fat :(
  • Eat in calories surplus but as healthy as possible; no processed foods, only vegetables+meat, basically bulking + all natural foods
  • I was 155-160 before, I've been doing calisthenics because of the lack of time I have, going to the gym and back takes a bunch of my time. Just so you know why, school+dance everyday+days I film=;(
  • That's me now, still aiming to drop 5-10 lbs then starting that clean bulk
  • I want to drop down to 10% body fat before I go on a clean steady bulk
  • So how much weight should I be cutting w/o losing too much strength/muscle? I was thinking around 1.5 lb a week of what you're saying is true about my body fat%
  • Never would've imagined that I'm that fat
  • Well that's a bummer