susiej6 Member


  • I feel your pain. I'm an Operating Department Practitioner and work in theatre in a busy hospital. I get half an hour for lunch. I hardly have time to chew my food and by the time I get home I'm so hungry and tired that I cram any old junk in my big fat gob! I do try to prep everything but not always, and that's when it…
  • Well I'm lay in bed now and it's a great feeling knowing day 4 is also done and dusted. Ready for day 5. Bring it on haha
  • Thanks everyone. I totally agree that in the past I've been really restrictive, but this time I've been really organised and wrote down what I'm going to eat. The biggest thing for me is getting off chocolate, crisps, cake and biscuits, so one step at a time. DAY 4! YAY. I GOT THIS. Thanks again everyone for all of your…
  • Thanks I'll add you now. Hopefully we can motivate each other