rbennettdavis Member


  • Freeze bananas (sliced) and store in freezer bags. Pop a bag into your blender, and voila! Banana ice cream. Add PB2, cocoa, strawberries, or anything else you like with bananas to the mix for variety!
  • Yogurt Cheesecake 1 LG tub Greek fat free unflavored yogurt 1 3 oz box no sugar added jello pudding - cheesecake flavor Graham cracker crumbs Fresh berries (if desired) Mix pudding into yogurt. It will get very thick. Spoon individual servings into serving cup. Sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs. Top with fresh fruit.
  • I think it tastes very much like cheesecake. I use regular pudding (not as the recipe was provided), as I avoid sweetners, so not sure if that's why I enjoy it so much. I'm addicted ;)