MonikaNeely Member


  • Thanks. I'll look into the sports/ super waterproof suncreams. I always let it set and did not know about wipes- I'll check them out too. I think ill get a hat for the longer races even though my head may get clammy I think not burning is worth it. My body is fine becaus it won't swear off my arms and legs so quickly but…
  • Me too! On everything but the bikini competition lol. Do you have any goals your working on?
  • When lifting or resistance training I'm counting reps and pushing myself and making sure I'm doing it right. When I'm running I think about reaching a mini goal I made, like not walking until I've done x km or until I reach that car or something. Once I'm in the swing of things I think about random rubbish and organise my…
  • Just make sure you have rest days. When you're pushing yourself sometimes it's gonna hurt but it shouldn't be all the time or too much. Considering your weight and fitness level is say you need 2-3 rest days because if you put too much stress on your body continually you could be looking at an injury or something - which…