I have been able to get my workouts posted to MFP via MapMyFitness. Fitbit and MMF will trade info, and then MMF post directly to MFP & fitbit. I've been using that for sometime now. I just wish MMF would pick up threadmill walks. I'm going to hate to go inside and not log workouts on MMF once it gets too cold or raining.
My first HR was very inaccurate with steps/miles. I sent fitbit the proof that is was off and they replaced it with another one. This one has been so much more accurate. I use my phone's GPS as I walk and it is generally within 5% of each other. I love the fact that it has a heart monitor. It motivates me to do more and I…
Well, fancy meeting all of you over here. :wink:
Looks like we are slowly finding our way here. Might work after all.