
  • A part of me feels we jumped the gun, the refugee forum is way more user friendly with different groups they have an over 70 but would have been better to just stay with over 60, however we have had too many different choices so I'm going to stick with the one we're on and if everyone wants to move later I go where you all…
  • Jan, just cal Costco customer service, they are great..............18009552292
  • took a look at the refugee site which does look good but I'll stick here unless we all want to change, it is more user friendly Cuddly Comments
  • I got a friend request from you Sally and I thought I had offended you it read: more wants to be your friend :)
  • today, I can't find any discussion boards on NS,glad I got my 50 clicks it might also vanish without warning
  • Sally I accepted your friend request but when I read it at first I thought I had offended you it read Zafteig ............ no more wants to be your friend :)
  • So glad to hear from you Cathy, can understand about not posting. If I can figure out this site, know you will Jan glad Steve is resting to get ready for surgery is he going home first?
  • I'm finally getting somewhere.......... yeah!!
  • Cuddly Comments
  • I finally got a photo on of my DD and I but don't ask me how I did it :)
  • Prayers for Steve Jan and also for Cathy's Rachel, wish we could hear about her, I'm happy that we are slowly but surely finding our way here. Kris look on Ns site for the help I posted for you. I got 50 clicks today so hope I get it. I'm sure it will go away. for anyone not getting on the NS site scroll all the way down…
  • Sally I know where and how to do it, just can't get it from photobucket, I really don't care if it's too much work as it appears to be, you know what my picture looks like any way. I'm going to post on NS site to Kris, she may not have joined the group, I get a notice of new messages every time I come on, I'm fine on this…
  • Jan, I figured it was better than iovr8, they only allow one name change and wouldn't let me do MotherMaggie
  • Cathy, praying for Rachel and her family hope you can let us know how she's doing, hope we have decided on just one site here it's getting too crazy for me.
  • Jan what FB site are you looking for.
  • coupons for discount on the purchase of NS cards only comes out about twice a year, was unusual to have it twice already makes me wonder of they are also going away who knows, not many people posting on here very discouraging.
  • my photos are in photobucket so can anyone tell me how to get it on my avatar, I know where my profile is just trying to get a photo there
  • Mary, where did you get all those kitties and what are you going to do with them? It's good to see you here although it definitely doesn't feel like home. Peg, your order should still be in the same place, I didn't see any change to that. Jan maybe it was Peg that came in your e mail, I didn't recognize it either till I…
  • Sally, have you left the secret group we were on on FAcebook,? Glad to see you are helping out on this loop, do you know how I get a photo from photobucket to my avatar here? I'm not going to bother doing my signature every time will just sign my name it that's easier I'm getting too old to learn all the changes but glad…
  • I'm working on my photo but keep getting distracted. I want to see Kris here
  • Peg, got your friend request,glad to see you here. I too have a daily dose $10 coming up so am going to use it now in case they do away with that also. Sally how did you get your signature on? I'm trying to find a picture but in the meantime notice that some of you have their names in the avatar. Oh well got nothing better…
  • Jan just order them from Costco, shipping is free and they get there pretty quickly, then at the bottom of your order, put in the whole # and then really easy, scrape off for the password if you have any problem with it, they are very good about helping you at Customer Service. Hugs Margaret
  • Hi Jan, I'm still posting on NS waiting to see how to do this one. It does have a great food tracking here
  • Here I am, hope I can find my way back. Cathy see you have Scotchie for your picture. Shirl that is a great picture, definitely worth the $450. Jan keep those chickens safe, Norma glad you made it before your trip. I don't have a picture but kept my user name from NS :) Margaret*