KassyDoodlePants Member


  • Back in my waif days, I was 120 pounds, a size 4 with stick thin arms. Now I've gained extra weight, which I'm not too happy about, but I've also taken up CrossFit which definitely builds muscle and endurance. Considering that muscle is hella dense compared to fat, I'm not entirely sure what my weight should be considering…
  • I feel for you. And I'm not an expert, but I understand the struggle and the yo-yo effect. I'm working on cleaning up my act as well. It's far too easy for me to grab a package of Oreos and go to town on it until there's nothing but crumbs. The only thing I think I might compare a food addiction to is, maybe, alcoholism or…
  • +Significantly reducing your sugar/carb intake to align better with your nutrient goals helps you break harmful addictions to bad food. It's VERY hard at first, but after you (figuratively) slap the $#!+ out of yourself and get a grip on your actions, you can walk past the pastry and cookie buffet they have at the office…