trdrsix0s Member


  • You seem ro be misssinf the main muscle building exercises. Heavy cinoound exercises. Squat, deadlift, bench press or dumbbell pressses or dips. Riws. Building muscle is about proigressive overload with multijoint exercises.
  • Great topic. Ive been toying with the topic myself. Have been eating 5-6 times a day for like 30 years. Started young to feed workout recovery and it became a habit. I was having trouble shedding fat at any calorie level and i was ALWAYS hungryl. Self diagnosed that i has some kindof metabolic syndrome or insulin…
  • Congrats
  • Imho youre not going ti gsin much muscle on 1800 calories a day. Maybe sime newbee gains but thats questionable.
  • If it doesn't hurt to squat or deadlift I would keep doing it. Perhaps after rehabbing disc. Have to listen to your body for answers. IMHO many doctors are overly conservative in their activity recommendations. I had a Dr in H. S. Tell me I could never overhead press again bc of bulging disc. Found another dr rehabbed disc…
  • Might want to try Dr kirsch method of dead hanging from pull up bar. I found it great for impinge shoulder but his book talks a out healing frozen shoulder with same protocol
  • Eat more gain more weight
  • Get a home gym setup. Power rack bench press Olympic weight set. Add KBS sandbags or other things you may choose if wanted. Saves a ton of time and money in the long run. Cuts excuses to workout when you can knock a good trading into 39 minelutes a few times a week.
  • I'd guess its a postural issue where one side compensates for your body's misalignment. Try and add some mobility work to identify spots where you're tight and rebalance your muscle structure. MobilityWOD by Kelly starret has a bunch of free videos on YouTube and a whole website for 10 per month to access daily WODs and…
  • Stick with the program til gains stop. Its designed to get you stronger and add muscle mass along with it using the most efficient path to get there through basic full body barbell exercises. Its a beginner program. when gains stop after hitting your nutrition targets changing your routine around makes sense. Not sticking…
  • Don't sweat it. Just make sire your weights are progressively increasing in each. Machines vary for a lot of reasons Adding a second pully in the a cable machine for example cuts the resistance of a weight in your hand in half For legs the best results come from full body exercises like lunges, squats, deadlift variations.