melkouas Member


  • You probably won't see this, but thanks for the response. It's difficult to count calories when you still feel hungry by to end of the night. For me it's once Remeron makes me sleepy in a zombie and eat anything. Hopefully I can force myself to workout 4/5 times a week and see if that helps.
  • Same situation. I'm on Remeron and have gone from 186 to 215 lbs real quick. It's hard when you work out & count calories, but are still not loosing. :( . OP I hope you can find a solution to your situation.
  • Seeing your post has really given me hope.... A month later. I'm a 22 year old who went from 185 to 215 lbs on remeron. It sucks not being able to eat yummy food anymore. It just sucks eating 1750 calories a day and still starving/ not loosing weight. I'm curious how you're doing @rideafasthorse17 !!!
  • This is a very late response, but I was watching the boards and saw this post. I've been on Remeron since October 2014. I went from 185 lbs to 215 lbs in four months. That's great that pool walked everyday. I'm very curious where you are now this.