heatherzen78 Member


  • btw, i started 2 years at 185...now i''m 223!...but I know I have the power in me to do it. Be happy of your success with the loss of 35 lbs!! Cant really put a time limit on weight loss journey!
  • I've just started again for the umpteenth time in over 2 years. Same thing happens to me. When I dont see the scale move I get so de-motivated and just end up quitting and binging. So instead of weight loss, with this habit/trend, I've actually gained close to 40lbs. But I recently just started again. Like last Sunday. And…
  • I like dubstep. Bassnectar or Skillex. Gets me really pumped!!
  • LOL!! love it..made me laugh!!
  • thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I think i can find a way to cut some cals out of my latte in the mornings. sodas...well i think cold turkey is best. I quit smoking a year ago and about 5 months ago quit soda for 2 months and when i had that first innocent soda it was like a cigarette addiction effect in my psyche…
  • thank you. I am aware of the diet options but i believe soda whether diet or regular is just all together bad for you. also, I don't do artificial sweeteners, they just taste horrible to me and have their own list of problems they cause in the body...as does excess amounts of sugar (hello diabetes). I really do think…
  • Thanks for the encouragement!!! I'm hoping by staying connected this time around it might meake a real difference for staying motivated and not falling off the wagon.
  • I go through the same thing. THe longest i can manage to stay motivated is 2 weeks and I dont see any results, weigh myself way too much and then give up and binge on fast food for a week. Today is the start of another effort to try and do better with the lifestyle change. I went walking! which is a major accomplishment.…