taffyapple87 Member


  • Thank you everyone for the comments. Linking my bike sensors to the Garmin really sold it to both my parents and me. So, that's what we are going with. There is a mild inconvenience with jumping ship from Fitbit which I forgot about - my Fitbit Aria. But I can work around that given the benefits of the Venu.
  • This is really helpful to know. I believe one of the things my onboard computer tracks is power but I will need to check - it's not that helpful of a display at times. Otherwise, I could look at it at my next upgrade. I'm still getting used to spin class at home if you cannot tell. I used to do spin class at the gym but…
  • I do have a Wahoo cadence tracker as it was the one thing the on-board computer didn't show. If I linked it would it mean I can see the cadence on my watch as I go? That would be a huge advantage as the Wahoo will not link to Peloton on Android. I currently need to use the Wahoo app on my phone while class is on my TV.
  • Not a pressure cooker but it does do slow cooking - it's got 14 different settings along with a DIY option. I thought about just using the DIY option for the recipe I linked but then I get into drama over what temp I'm setting it at for the different stages.
  • Thanks for the advice about Microfiber towels. Not tried them yet as waiting for them to arrive but they certainly look less bulky than my bathroom towels. Still not found a gym bag that I like though. I wanted to use a Amazon gift card I was given for my birthday but nothing jumps out at me.
  • Can I ask what you take? I'm thinking I need two towels but wouldn't that be bulky?
  • I didn't run it. I did intervals between walking and jog/run. I did it with a friend and had to laugh. At the start, I wished her luck in case that was the last I saw of her until the end... moments later I lost her in a sea of people. She did really well so dead proud of her.
  • Lol. Sorry for the delay in replying. Sorry to disappoint DavPul but still alive. Just sunburnt and suffering from blisters on my heels. Went very well. Was aiming for anything sub 1 hour 45 mins and got over the finish line at just under 1 hour 38mins. Given how unfit I was 7 months ago, really pleased with that time. My…
  • So today's the day. Took everyone advice and did not train yesterday. Dead nervous, dead excited but I will pop back later to let you all know how I did.
  • There have been quite a number of decent suggestions which have been helpful. I think what might also be helpful is rather than force all this veg on myself overnight that I start slowly. For example, rather than go for a full serving size of veg, go for a quarter, then half etc. Because thinking about it, it's like couch…
  • I'm fine with fruit - reckon it's because they're sweet enough for my sweet tooth. But I cannot substitute veg with fruit due to the amount of sugar involved. Also, I probably should have mentioned before but at the moment, I'm only keeping tinned or frozen veg in my kitchen. I was experimenting with fresh but as its just…
  • So to answer a couple of questions, I've tried: - boiling mixed veg (and mixing it all up with whatever grain I'm having - brown rice, cous cous etc to ensure I cannot avoid eating) - microwave steam veg (the ones you can get in frozen packs and doing the same as above) - stir fry with a fresh veg pack As to grilling, I…