a_rugg2004 Member


  • Thank you so much to everyone! I never thought I would get such a great response. It's so encouraging to get motivation and advice from complete strangers. I am so very grateful!
  • I have not weighed myself yet. Silly I know. I just don't want to get discouraged. I figured I would weigh myself once a month. I just figured my clothes would be getting slightly looser.
  • I do have a food scale and am weighing and measuring. I have been doing the 1688 calories a day for about 2-3 weeks. So I should give it more time just don't feel like I have lost anything.
  • Thank you. I am not drinking my calories (not worth it). I have a gym membership and am riding a stationary bike for about 4-5 miles. Also walking for about 10-15 mins on the treadmill.