SidraJedi Member


  • Looks like everyone who is still checking in is still on track. SW: 169 CW: 190 (@28 weeks) GW: ~200 max, preferably less 10-14 weeks to go and <10lbs to go. I hope I make it. I didn't get to exercise the last tow weeks bc DD has been sick. Well, I got a 3mi hike in once but otherwise nada. This week I will regain my…
  • SW: 169 CW: 188 (@26 weeks) GW: ~30lb gain I'm still on my same routine but this week has been about half a bust since DD is sick. So we'll see where I weigh in at week 27... Hopefully it won't be too bad but last time I gained the most weight in 3rd tri so I'm not holding holding my breath.
  • Hi, I'm new here. I hope this thread is still active! I am due with #2 August 10th. I am 5'3.5". With #1 I weighed 183 to start and lost 10lb in the first half of pregnancy and only gained 20ishlbs (from my start weight) in the second half. This pregnancy is completely different of course and its is throwing me off so I…