KWoo2017 Member


  • I've been on here for a couple years but mostly used to log nutrition. Had no idea there was support at my fingertips. I have about 60-70 to lose. Actually more but this is my first goal. I'm down 9 pounds in 2 weeks and hope reading everyone's stories helps. You can add me.
  • It sucks because I feel like I'm still in my early 30's. Things have changed though apparently. I've gained, lost, gained.. well you get the idea! I can watch what I eat all week and take 1 day off on the weekend and gain it back. I was also cursed with genetics. My mom and sister both had gastric bypass but I would be so…
  • Hi Claire! I think accountability is the biggest thing for me also. I've used this app for a couple of years but this is my first time to join a group. I think small goals are best because you don't get overwhelmed. And I believe in when you've reached a goal you can go out for the nice meal and not just eat salad. Lol you…