AEPHubinc2015 Member


  • The curry thing? I just make a vegetable curry with whatever vegetables are in season that I like and then add the bream in chunks. The only hassle about it is that I don't like anything to be too mushy so everything has to be added at a time that will allow for it to still be firm when the whole thing is done. A lot of…
  • Been baking for two days and not eating any of it...or maybe one cookie. But today I had a great lunch - 2 very yummy homemade cookies. Worth it? Yep. How are you guys doing? Must be pretty busy with Christmas preparations. It's pretty quiet in here. Btw, Rae, made a very spicy eggplant and breamer curry for tomorrow's…
  • PS I'm no longer vegan but often take a glance into vegan cookbooks because there are some yummy, interesting recipes. Came across a great little new book called 10 Minute Vegan Recipes by Sally Primrose last night. Downloaded it for 99 cents and looked through the entire thing. Quick, easy recipes. Ingredients look…
  • Seems to me that some holiday treats (within limits, I suppose) are in order. My husband has drilled it into my head that being proud of getting through an entire holiday without enjoying a single special food related to the holiday is a sign that things have gone way too far. He's my anchor, that man! Even after 40 years.…
  • So, as far as being lighter next month? I just weighed in and saw that I've GAINED a pound. Sigh. January goal: 152 That's 6 pounds to lose to get back to the weight I first decided I was fat and needed to do something about it! ;) Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • All of your Christmas preparations and activities sound like so much fun! My husband went on a rampage today (all in good spirits) about how we set our goal NOT to eat the yummy potato pancakes and doughnuts that everyone eats here for Hanukah. He was determined that we eat some of each this time around. We had friends…
  • Can you bring me back an Amish quilt, Lin? (just kidding - they cost a mint and the shipping would be about as much) They ARE beautiful, though. I've never been to Amish Pennsylvania but I've heard it's beautiful. Enjoy! I was just suggesting to a friend that she and her husband spend some time in Nashville, dancing and…
  • Are you guys all hiding out because of Thanksgiving?
  • Figured I'd have gained but I've lost 1 lb. Woo Hoo! (and the turkey was GREAT! both of them!)
  • Hi Lin! I had decided that it'd been WAY too long since you'd been here and I was going to track you down to see how things were going and then, voila!, there you are. Glad to hear that things seem to be going in a positive direction for your daughter and her family. Big shout out to the younger granddaughter. Takes a…
  • Maybe there's someone in your community who would LOVE to have a real Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings but doesn't have anyone to share it with? Maybe a young couple/young family who are far from their extended family or an older couple in that situation. Just an idea. I've been feeling my food intake getting…
  • My legs are really achy. I've been waking up and feeling them protesting but have decided to ignore it. Today I decided to be kind to them and give them a day off the elliptical machine. I'm going to try to take in 1000 calories instead of my usual 1200. One of my sons, my dil and their 2 boys flew to Chicago for my dil's…
  • Not many people in Israel celebrate Thanksgiving. But ever since I realized that I'd planned a business trip to the US every year at Thanksgiving time for about 4 years, I decided to start an American tradition in Israel. We have about 5 couples over now every year. Everyone brings something. One friend always bakes a…
  • I hear ya'. I never wore those stiletto killers either. Not worth sacrificing my feet but they sure are pretty to look at on other women. Well, here's a bit of good news! I always figure that a little cheat is a gazillion calories. But I always journal my food even if it's bad so I journaled the bite of my granddaughter's…
  • Hey Marla, Glad to see that you made it into the discussion. Went to a super fancy wedding last night - 1000 people! The noise was so constant and LOUD that I thought I'd have permanent ear damage but I seem to be hearing just fine this morning. It was fun looking at all the amazing clothes and shoes - omg! the height of…
  • Hi all, Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a GREAT hip opener and, maybe surprisingly, a pose that's considered a wonderful preparation for sleep. Two of the classes I teach are evening classes (8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.) and I almost always include the Pigeon Pose. King Pigeon Pose for the daytime classes I teach. You…
  • Still 158.6...
  • I think I might have weighted 119 in high school - our 45th reunion was last month. B)
  • Hi there, I'm 5'2" so 158 is a lot to carry around on my joints and frame. I'd love to be taller but there you go. Many of the terrorist knife attacks and attempts to run people over have been not too far from us. Israel is about the size of Rhode Island - tiny - so nothing is too very far. I live about 10 miles north of…
  • After eating way more at lunch yesterday and deciding not to eat ANY dinner as a result so |I could be within my calorie goal number, I weighed in today at 158.6. I'm thinking it's an anomaly and I'll be back up to 160 next time I weight in no matter what but it's nice looking at that number for a few minutes. So I've been…
  • Wow! Rae, I'm SO SO sorry for all the family sadness. Hang in there! Maybe your younger son will take this opportunity to re-new some kind of relationship with you. That would be good, right? I'm in a rush. Hope to get back here soon to get caught up with you guys. I've been barely finding time to read your postings and…
  • I'm not going to get solidly in the 150's this way! Went to a pre-wedding celebration (it's a thing that Moroccans do - huge!) and ate fairly reasonably considering but way more oil and sugar than I've had in the past 2 months. Also indulged in some bread. An extra pound showed up on the scale this morning. Not a surprise.…
  • It's the worst kind of frustrating when you witness a child doing self-destructive behavior...especially when it's not going to do them any good (and, of course, it almost never does them any good). Maybe your daughter has a close friend she listens to that you could speak with in confidence and trust her to really keep it…
  • Great Lin! Under 180 by Halloween. Feels good to meet a goal, right? Mini-goals - great idea! I'm hanging on to maintenance. There just hasn't been time to get on the elliptical and won't be today either. Looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow. Don't know how you manage with all your grandmother time. I'm drowning…
  • Where is everybody?
  • Yay for you doing so well with your eating. Great is relative. If you're feeling good about it, I'm sure it's good. And holding steady rings so much more pleasantly to the ear than...gaining. Entering what I've eaten and counting the calories appeals to my (very moderate) OCD. I like to see it in black and white in front…
  • Broke 160...barely. Weighed in at 159.2 this a.m. Yay! I'll take it. 7.8 lbs. in 36 days. I'm fasting this morning before going in for blood tests. Throws everything off because I'll be in town afterwards with no access to a normal, healthy breakfast. Hmm. Went to a Deva Premal, Miten, Monrose concert last night with a…
  • Just checking in to say hi. Nice 30 hour vacation on the beach for my husband's 65th birthday on Thursday/Friday. All the kids (except the one who lives in Chicago of course) came to the hotel for dinner. The first time in ages that we've gotten together without any of the grandchildren. A nice change of pace. Managed to…
  • There's so much research out there connecting stress with physical ailments that I had to check to see if I'd see a link between stress and Atrial Fibrillation. Surprise - there definitely are doctors who think that it can be a factor in triggering an episode. I even saw an entire blog about Afib and an article there which…
  • Hi Lin, What a mess! Relationships can be such hard work. I hear you about not being enthusiastic about the prospect of your son-in-law coming back, regardless of your daughter wanting him back. We've been quite lucky as far as the people our children married but I could do without one of our sons-in-law. He's very…