MrsEAPM Member


  • As an obese runner training for a 10K, I don't entirely agree with the posts that essentially say "running is not for obese people". What worked for me was to: -Go slow: you shouldn't be out of breath after running an interval, even if it's 1 minute. You should be able to hold a conversation while running (if that means…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss and on maintaining for 7 months! Did you get your BF% measured or is it your perception that you are "skinny fat"? It takes some time to convince the mind that your body shape has changed, so you could still see yourself as "fatter" than you are in reality. Body recomposition takes (a…
  • First: Congratulations on your weight loss! If you're (almost) at goal weight, but not entirely happy with your BF%, you can check out this thread about body composition (sensible advice, no extreme shortcuts or bulk-cut regiments):…