brittanyhosmannmiller Member


  • I appreciate yours and everyone's input. I'll take then all into consideration. Me and my son used to make homage pizzas alot. Either homemade crust or use biscuit dough. I just always see bread as "bad". I found a frozen pizza by digornio ate half and was just over 300! I usually get my recipes from pinterest. I use to be…
  • I have 1200 but always strive to be under even when I earn more with exercise. I have occasionally used some when I want to have a treat. But I have guilt anyways over every aspect of my life.
  • My bigger issue is time & money. I don't make much. And food stamps don't cover all of our groceries month to month. No time to coupon and frankly generic is usually cheaper even with a coupon. Recipes that are quick and easy usually aren't healthy & /or bland. Thanks for the English muffin idea. Sounds like a decent…
  • I have for the past few years done the healthier option. Cut out almost completely fried foods and soda and back on track with cigarettes since December. Only maintained roughly the same weight. Plexus helped me lose inches and lbs. Just too expensive.
  • Thank you. I think my problem is I'm so impatient. I love food. And hate sweating.