cuppykat Member


  • I just got an Under Armour bra on sale at Dick's and I like it so far. I've had major issues with bras for a long time now so I feel confident in saying it's a good brand. Mine usually don't have enough support OR coverage for a 34/36 C and it makes working out so uncomfortable, especially when you have to constantly…
  • I deleted a few friends myself the other day. I'm only on like day 65 but if anyone wants to add me feel free!
  • I try to practice moderation. I still screw up but I try to remind myself that I'll feel so much prouder if I don't overdo it. I try to remind myself of how bad I feel after a binge.
  • When I feel that way, I try to remind myself how much worse I will feel after eating so much and how it'll set me back. But if you do slip, don't be hard on yourself, losing a pet is really difficult and I feel your pain. I'm so sorry. =(
  • Just in case, I would suggest talking to management so that the complaints pile up. Some people are just miserable on the inside. I feel bad for them, they must be so bitter. I recently had someone start making fun of me when I was outside jogging minding my own business. I can only imagine how pathetic this person's life…
  • I took two hour long Capoeira sessions back to back and now I weigh 2 pounds more. Water weight, as others have already said; I'm just commiserating. Lol
  • Your trainer would definitely want to know about any physical problems you may have so that they don't cause you further pain. For example, mine would tailor workouts around my recurring knee pain from an old injury. And before we even began, he asked what my goals were. He was a great support and great source of…
  • She's doing an amazing job in her weight loss journey. =)
  • Hi there! My name is Kristy, too. ^.^ I think I'm in a similar place. Between 2008 and mid-2011, I weighed 180 pounds because I was so stressed I binged a lot. Starting in the fall of 2011, I began meeting with a trainer once a week and by graduation in Spring 2012, I weighed 145. By the following spring, I was 133. Annnnd…
  • How tall are you? And do you track absolutely everything you eat? If your goal weight isn't too low for your height, maybe it's time to see a doctor or change up your routine if you haven't already. It might also help to just ask what you should be doing because, I don't know about you, but I'm somewhat confused. My…
  • 60 minutes of Spin & Sculpt. Not sure how to log that though, I forgot today was on/off the bike so I logged 60 minutes. I'd say maybe 30 of them were on the bike, 30 was on a mat doing weights and bands. Ouch.
  • I haven't really offered anyone help yet myself but I don't have many friends and the ones I do have are kicking my butt! I'm not sure what to say to someone who is doing 60 to 100+ hours of cardio a day when I am lagging so far behind. >.< I would love to give support to whoever needs it though!
  • I'm only on day 13 and I'm only about 3.5 pounds in so I could use some motivation in the form of friends!
  • I was worried about wrist pain as well so I purchased push up stands like astrampe said above. The way we normally think of doing push ups on our hands is an unnatural position and with our body weight on top of that yet it can really hurt. An alternative would be using your knuckles on something like a pillow instead but…