jenaijen Member


  • Welcome! It's a journey, and it's awesome that you're taking steps to figure out what works best for you.
    in Hello Comment by jenaijen October 2017
  • I'm the same way, so for me it starts with resisting the urge to buy it in the first place. Even if I buy single servings, if I have them in the house it is too easy to eat way too many at once. Then I also satisfy my chocolate-tooth with this super yum all plant-based shake mix. I even add avocado to it in the blender…
  • I do a smoothie or a shake that has a good amount of protein and fiber. Have some extra single packets on hand. Connect with me if you want ne to slip a sample in the mail :)
  • I have a plant-based protein shake when on the run. Packed with whole food nutrients and fiber to keep me full.
  • Been there, for sure! I have two little ones, and what's made a HUGE dif for me are these pure fruit and veggie capsules. No chemicals, no additives, just pure food, condensed. You can pm me if you'd like to chat more about it :)