jessietroeder Member


  • LoveShine, B4U, Candy, 321 Stars, Can't Stop Falling in Love (Speed Remix). You?
  • Can we put measurements in here if we’re going by those instead? I don’t really have a goa weight, per se, because I know that depending on how much muscle I do or don’t have at a particular time, I could look and feel better or worse at the same scale weight.
  • Does a couple of rounds of DDR count? I’m finally playing a decent amount of songs on Difficult instead of all Basic.
  • I’m still pretty young (28), so my reasons are mostly vain. Summer will be here before you know it. Many queer guys are visually-focused to put it nicely, so looking good can widen my dating pool. Also, I want to put together a Kylo cosplay, and I’ll feel more confident in it if I’m more fit. (I’m NOT doing the shirtless…
  • I’m aiming for high protein, relatively low-carb, because I know it’s the easiest way for me to not be hungry while eating less. (Specifically, I’m aiming for at least 120g protein and no more than 120g carbs in a 1,550 calorie day.) Other than that, if it fits my macros, I’ll eat it. I had calories and carbs left over at…
  • I was at the high school I teach at today until 8:30 PM because of parent teacher conferences. I’m so exhausted! But I still managed to eat well. I did order food to the school for dinner so I’d have time to eat between my last class and the start of conferences, but I picked nigiri sushi, which works decently well with…