coboblack Member


  • Noone said that there is anything wrong with continuing to weigh food after weight loss. She talked about the stress of daily tracking and I told her to pick a single day out of the week to not worry about it. One day of not stressing about it is not going to send you spiraling down if you keep it to one day like I…
  • Just remember, it takes a lot of work to take off weight, but at the same time, it takes ALOT of work to put that back on. Once you reach your goal, you should allow yourself the freedom to not count calories on one or two meals during weekend. That doesn't mean you have to eat as much horrible things as you can all day…
  • Man, you are ROCKING it. I think it is easy to feel that way about losing weight because it is so gradual. Its great that you have a before picture that you can look at side by side with how you look now. There is all the truth you ever need. I, like the store clerk, have never met you and have no reason to lie. You look…
  • That sounds like you have some pretty crappy co-workers, but something tells me if they act this way about a smell in the microwave, they are probably pretty crappy in general and it is more about their personalities than it is the food you brought in. Now, this, of course, is based on how you framed it. You also might…
  • I have always been relatively thin and in shape. I've only had 3-4 years of my life where I was 30 pounds overweight. I had to reallllllly work at adding that over weight. I worked from home at a desk all day, so I didn't have to walk very far everyday. I was eating whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. I would go in…
  • I enjoy eating this way. I have cheat days on the weekends, and while I use to always take advantage of it, I always feel like crap afterwards. I find myself turning a cheat day into simply a cheat meal on the weekend. The problem is not indulging in life's pleasures, it when you make bad eating a lifestyle. For me,…