Voluptuous_Kelly Member


  • Goodluck JamieJam34. I would love to friend request you so we can motivate each other, I can relate to all that you have said, but I don't know how to friend request!!!
  • People say " If you really want to lose weight you'll do it." I disagree because I really do and I'm finding it really hard. I am totally with you on this. I am struggling to get 'in the zone' as I like to call it. I have issues with my knees, which I think my weight adds too, and I have also got complacent. Please feel…
  • Hi there, I am new to the Community Forum today, although I have been using the app on and off for a couple of years, but honestly more off lately!!! I have reached a point though that I just feel blurgh, and fat, more so than usual, and need to do something about it. However, struggling terribly to get, and stay…