JustinaJohnson83 Member


  • I was mostly just walking and doing strength exercises, but have added bike riding recently so hoping that adds a little something. It hasn't been very long since I stopped losing, just two weeks. Was just getting worried that I was doing something wrong. Glad I did mention it since you've all had good pointers :)
  • Yeah I thought the 8lb. loss was very strange, but I've maintained it at least. I'm 31, 5'8", started at 245 at 236 now. I have MFP set to two pounds a week, 1,200ish calories a day. Aside from breakfast when I eat oatmeal, most of my food is already measured out in the form of Lean Cuisine type stuff. I know they're…
  • I started out at 245 as well, currently at 236 after 3 weeks of MFP, but also seemingly stuck. Haven't lost a pound in two weeks grrr! I've kicked up my exercise routine by adding cycling, hoping that works. Sent a request, looking forward to reaching goals together!
  • Hey, feel free to add me :smiley: