eacupp2101 Member


  • 89 is a low cholesterol number.. they were able to tell you needed protien because protien raises cholesterol numbers and helps maintain and sometimes lose weight... bad cholesterol levels high or low can put you at risk for heart disease i would suggest eating foods high in protien until your next check in fodds such as…
  • stores such as kroger,foodcity,and many other have store discount cards\
  • fresh vegetables and organic foods,anything healthy for you basically,are normaly expensive get a store card to get the store discounts and shop with coupons during weekly sales. For example if you go to the store and a head of lettuce is 3.50$ you can easily cut that down by say going during a sale week so maybe that week…
  • you meontioned having noticed musscle definition and working out your weight could be muscle...also drink tons of water to help flush out your body it gets rid of a lot of stuff you dont need in its self...good job deciding to stick to my fitness pal :)
  • i guess there really is a silver lining to everything :smile: