Ronin_HFX Member


  • Thought I would add one more bacon picture to the mix - although now I can't wait for breakfast to grab me some bacon.
  • I try to keep a steady beat with the breathing but I found I have to inhale through nose and exhale through mouth. I used to get stitches all the time and found if I didn't focus on this method I was all over the place lol. Sometimes when I get far in the distance and tired the breathes are shallow as I inhale so I focus…
  • I know it can hard as I travel a lot for work so I tend to be sitting at a client site, sitting in the car while I drive to and from the cities etc. You need to look for those opportunities to incorporate it as well. Park in a parking garage on the 3rd floor? Then take the stairs, don't take the elevator - those type of…
  • Wow - I'm old and I don't ever remember seeing this lol - now I feel bad that I can't say I've tried them all =( Hmmm wonder if there's a really old box somewhere - not like it could be any worse for me now then it was then lol.
  • Now if they still made "Fruit Brute" you could have all 4 of the monster cereals. Frankenberry is gone in my neck of the woods in Canada - only the Count and Boo left.
  • I usually eat 3-4 cans a week as well - from what I read (yes, I know - I read it - I'm not saying it's gospel lol) the tuna used in a lot of canning are young smaller tuna that don't live long enough to absorb enough mercury to affect us - the older much larger tuna that you see sport fisherman getting and in fish…
  • Thanks - I didn't really have enough to eat through today and man - that was a rough, ugly workout lol. I'll definitely have to start making changes tomorrow.
  • Well I think you net your water after the coffee - so if you have 3 x 8 oz coffee you need to drink an extra 24 oz of water (which is what I was always told - but I'm not saying that's true science lol). Are you stretching before and after - making sure the muscles stay limber? I remember when I used to get DOMS (delayed…
  • The Offspring, some Metal (some Hair Bands - yea I'm that old lol) - Stevie Ray Vaughan, Van Halen (no Hagar) - doesn't have to be fast - has to have a driving beat - something to move you - something to get lost in and have it push you - great guitar helps too. You might laugh but back when I first got an iPhone and the…