As a Muslim we fast a month a year but that doesn't mean we only have one meal a day we fast from sunrise till sunset it has its health benefits (medically proven) but we do not do it for longer maybe few days around the year if one chooses to. A balance in life is needed
Good job mummies that's so inspiring, keep up the great work.
Thank you, I do keep track of my calories everyday now. I do have a clear goal it's my ideal weight that I once was and I'd know if I'm close to it, which I'm not at all at the moment.
That actually a very good idea, but I'll try measure once a month.
I'm in
I do get a treat if I have cravings, for example last time I had a Galaxy bar didn't feel bad at all
If I knew they did it to hurt me, I would have simply smiled and said " and now you're the big one" let's see if they act childish or not.
Mine is to be healthy enough to play with my 2 year old.