Sandy0523 Member


  • Thank you! Although, many MD's do NOT have any dietary training, so they may not be helpful if you ask them! I'd suggest working with your primary and a registered dietitian.
  • Morning Joe with vanilla protein powder. Mix a scoop of the powder with a little water, milk, almond milk or whole cream (whatever your preference) for a latte. Not a snack per say, but a good boost to breakfast or post morning workout.
  • Thanks everyone! I would normally check around midnight and I was usually over! Yesterday I did record only the partial day because according to Fitbit I was done for the day or needed to burn a serious # of calories if I wanted to eat 1200. Since it was a rest day that wasn't going to happen! That's just stupid and annoys…
  • I've recently added ground cayenne and maple syrup to my infused waters, that I drink throughout the day. I've also started to eat more soups and drink warm teas! If you're inclined toward a more holistic healing type approach, cayenne flower essence will help warm the blood. You can find flower essences at health food or…