Bump bump! Come join hula Hoopers! Or if you know of a hula hooper on MFP please send them my way
I try my best to hoop at least 15 minutes a day. Sometimes I get more, sometimes I'm lazy. I'm not actively trying to lose weight but I like to keep it off. Hoop dance is my favorite way to exercise. It releases happy endorphins in your brain too!!
Thank you @beemerphile1 I'm so dumb at this site right now. I'll figure it out soon. Yes please! Click the link and join the group!
MoMo Pebbles Scarlette
Here we have MoMo, Pebbles, and Scarlette.
Yea everyone calls it hooping... But I like to add hula because "hooping" can refer to either hula hooping or basketball. But the word Hula Hoop isn't actually trademarked. No one company can own the word hula hoop. Whamo tried and failed. I have been hooping for 4 years and I am certified to teach kids. :) it's a great…
I made this for my own hoop workouts but I like to share!
Hi everyone! Hula hoops are great. On average they burn 7 calories a minute, more if you're moving the rest of your body!! I suggest using the lighter, but still sort of heavy, "dance" hula hoops. You can make these with HDPE tubing from Home Depot. Just get tube cutters and tape! Weighted hula hoops are very heavy and can…