more6284 Member


  • Will do. Thanks! I appreciate all feedback.
    in Contrave Comment by more6284 May 2015
  • I'm only taking the pills to help me while I reduce my portion size. So far, they are helping me. I realize I can't take them for long and there is no miracle pill. My physician said that the meds I've tried work for some people & not for others. For me, this is what I need to do right now. Until about 2 yrs ago, I had run…
    in Contrave Comment by more6284 May 2015
  • Thanks to all for your comments. You are all right also. Maybe a therapist would be good. It's like the click in my brain that used to say "ok get your eating under control" is no longer there. The other 2 meds are for depression & ADD and have been taking them for quite a few years.
    in Contrave Comment by more6284 May 2015