Screen Name: Healthez Goal for August 31st: 196 July 22nd (starting weight): 207 July 29th: 203.4 August 5th: 202 August 12th: August 19th: August 26th: August 31st: 6 to go!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot to do this but here is my update as of Screen Name: Healthez Goal for August 31st: 196 July 22nd (starting weight): 207 July 29th: 203.4 August 5th: August 12th: August 19th: August 26th: August 31st:
I am in: Screen Name: Healthez Goal for August 31st: 196 July 22nd (starting weight): 207 July 29th: August 5th: August 12th: August 19th: August 26th: August 31st:
I'm doing the detox to jumpstart the process. I'm helping a friend and thought the focus of clean eating would help change a bad habit of not choosing good foods. I'll let ya know how it works out.