

  • I was in the same boat during the first month... actually GAINED 9 pounds, which was a bit depressing. [Think it was because I was more hungry from the workouts and not eating as well as I should b/c I thought I had more leeway b/c I was working out] The added weight is dropping pretty fast in month 2 though which is…
  • I found drinking a recovery formula makes a HUGE difference. I didn't get the BeachBody brand b/c the reviews didn't sound that great. Instead, we tried Endurox R4 [] and like it a lot. The lemon/lime flavor is actually pretty good. [Kind of like lime jell-o] We're in the middle…
  • How do you like Hip Hop Abs? I like Shaun T a lot but is the program pretty good?
  • Hey ladies, I've been looking for something like this for awhile & so glad I found you :) My husband & I are in the 2nd week of month 2 of Insanity. I don't know if it's just me, but I've gained about 9 lbs since starting the program. (yes, I know muscle weighs more than fat but sheesh... ) I found the recovery drinks are…