sonoona Member


  • Thank you all for the replies. I read them all and will attempt to use these tips. I'm going to head off to bed now as an attempt to fix my sleep schedule. I'm super nervous about therapy tomorrow and I'm probably going to cry while its happening lol. I used to go to therapy last summer but my relationship with food was…
  • Yep I went down from 123 pounds to where I am now at 112. Lowest was 108. It happened over the course of a year. At one point I had completely stopped eating junk food and stopped craving it all. But that was a long time ago. Thanks for the advice. I'm always eating while watching shows on netflix.
  • I'm 18 and still live at home so I have to abide by rules. One rule is that you MUST eat whatever mom cooks. So at the dinner table my parents will tell me to put more on my plate even though I have a normal sized portion and I tell them that I can't I'm trying to lose weight. So when they see me with junk food they say I…
  • I'm 4'11" and I'm currently 112 pounds. My goal is 99 but maybe I'll go lower once I hit that.
    in Short Woman Comment by sonoona May 2015