browneyedpisces Member


  • I just read up on it on the Mayo clinic website. It sounds similar to another diagnosis that I have, so I wouldn't be surprised if I have that too. I have PCOS, which is a endocrine related disease. My hormones are all out of whack and I have insulin resistance, which sounds similar to the metabolic syndrome. I was put on…
  • No I haven't. Going to look into that right now :smiley:
  • Thanks for all the info professional :smile: I know the sugar cravings all too well lol, but that is another different type of conversation. I am pre-diabetic and have high blood pressure so trying my hardest to not become diabetic like most of my family members. I am going to my doctor next Friday so I will have her run…
  • Thanks for the info...I was just worried when my tracker said that my cholesterol was way up high lol. I knew I needed more protein to make up for the no bread and pasta (I am a bread and pasta lover). That was what I meant by bad carbs lol! I usually workout in the morning to avoid the heat of the day, but thinking about…
  • Thank you hearts....I have very few friends on here so if you would like, I would love to add you. Maybe we can share experiences