paulfd Member


  • Weight lifting can be great exercise if you're going heavy enough. I've been dabbling with stronglift 5x5 type workouts in my workout schedule and with only doing 5 reps of an exercise I can make my heart go from resting rate to the cardio "zone" when I'm lifting heavy. (60bpm -> 130bpm or more) If you've never lifted…
  • Depending on age/activity level/gender 1200 calories would be a fairly common recommendation from the guided calculator on MFP for losing 1lb/week. I'd look at your macros. It sounds like you want workouts as part of your plan and you need energy to do them. Make sure you're getting your carbs just make sure they're…
  • To sum it up from many previous posts. * Counting a set number of macro's is counting calories. * Counting macro's is an invaluable tool to fine tune your body composition, gain muscle, and improve athletic performance. If you keep under your calories you'll loose weight even with the all twinkie diet. But your body will…