MimiMayRR Member


  • I do my best to estimate and try to give myself a cushion if I'm going out to eat. Like if I normally budget 500 calories for dinner at home I'll try to save 700 if I'm going out to eat. Although, if you're operating on a daily 1200 calorie budget that would be pretty hard to do! Anyway, then, I try to choose an option…
  • There is no wheat that doesn't contain gluten (although spelt is sometimes better tolerated by people with IBS/IBD who are sensitive to wheat). The reason the low FODMAP diet recommends gluten-free products is because, by default, they don't contain wheat (but make sure to check the ingredients for inulin and avoid…
  • I have IBD and follow a low FODMAP diet and I often start my morning with a smoothie. I combine ice, frozen banana, vanilla, a pinch of stevia, and 2% lactose-free milk. It tastes like a milkshake but is obviously a lot healthier. Sometimes I mix it up and add a bit of baby spinach, cacao, frozen berries, greek yogurt, or…
  • I have Crohn's disease and follow a low FODMAP diet. It has helped me tremendously. It was actually originally developed for people with IBS. Try checking that out. My GI said it's not an elimination diet. Stuff that is high FODMAP is NOT off-limits for the rest of your life, you just want to eat them in small quantities…
  • Look into the low FODMAPs diet. It was designed for IBS and also has helped some IBD sufferers (myself included)! I'm currently working on losing weight while following a low FODMAP diet.
  • I saw the ad too and it looks really cool. I think it might be headed somewhere, but my biggest reservation with it is that it seems like you need to put different types of food into different sections of the plate (a protein here, a carb there, a vegetable here). That means that it wouldn't be able to log something like a…
  • I was veggie for about 8 years, although I still occasionally ate meat at family gatherings where I didn't have much of a choice. I started eating meat again because I got really sick and the only thing I could imagine eating, for like several weeks, was chicken soup. So I started by making a really good homemade chicken…
  • I have Crohn's disease. Sometimes it makes me LOSE weight really rapidly, but as soon as I get better it comes right back if I'm not super careful. I used to use exercise a lot to try to control my weight, but now I can't always rely on being able to exercise. So I measure and weigh everything I can and watch my calories.…
  • I also think sometimes people don't say anything because they don't know WHY you've lost weight (and honestly, I wish more people were sensitive to this--it was infuriating for people to tell me "you look great!" when I was rapidly losing weight because I was seriously ill). If there are people you want to let in on your…
  • BTW, I said in my post that more research was needed, and didn't say anything about completely eliminating food types! We definitely don't know enough about gut bacteria to effectively develop a weight loss program solely on that. My point was just there is (scientific, research-backed) evidence suggesting that WHAT (not…
  • Wow this is a crazy long thread. It is absolutely true that different foods have different effects on hormones and inflammation (http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/04/gut-microbiome-bacteria-weight-loss). Researchers found that drinking sugar water increased markers of inflammation, while drinking OJ with the same…
  • Hi, Donna, I have Crohn's. I'm following a low FODMAPs diet. Try checking it out. It points you towards specific fruits and veggies that are less likely to be a problem, also gluten-free grains (rice, oats, quinoa), low-lactose dairy, etc. The diet alone won't help you lose weight (you can still have gluten-free pizza! and…
  • I have Crohn's also. You might want to look into the low FODMAPs diet. It's helped me tremendously and I find it pretty easy to follow compared to some of the others out there, like SCD, GAPS, or AIP.
  • I'm at 1490 and I fit in a cheeseburger on a gluten-free bun, french fries, a dessert, a couple of adult beverages, and a gluten-free homemade cinnabon copycat cinnamon roll since Friday. (Side note: I'm not saying these things are healthy foods that SHOULD be eaten regularly, but it was mother's day and we had a lot of…
  • This sounds like textbook IBD! Make sure to be persistent in looking for answers, and I second the vote for trying out a low FODMAPs diet. It works for me. I lost about 20 pounds without trying last year due to IBD; now I'm healing (yay!) but I'm also gaining weight (boo!) so I've started counting calories + following a…
  • Try adding in more low-calorie, low-sugar, high-fiber fruits and veggies and pair it with a little fat and/or protein for staying power. Berries with a (measured) tablespoon of full-fat sour cream and a sprinkle of stevia are one of my favorite snacks when I'm really struggling to make it through. Other really good…
  • "Tare" means to set the scale to 0. So basically, put the plate you are going to eat off of on the scale, then hit the tare button (if your scale has one) so that it resets the scale to 0. It cancels out the weight of the plate. Then add your rice so you can weigh how much that is. Then tare again (now the scale is…
  • How quickly those little, "meh, an extra splash of milk won't hurt" or, "it's just a tiny piece of chocolate" moments add up. OMG.
  • From what I've read when you start a new exercise program, your body can respond with water retention and inflammation as it tries to repair the microtears in your muscle that are part of the process of building muscle. So, if you start a diet AND exercise regimen at the same time, it can look like you are "stuck" or even…