fatemaa Member


  • Thank you everyone for taking the time out and for all your advice and opinion. I think I have a pretty good idea of how I want to get started.
  • You are so helpful, thank you so much. My main focus is core and arms. I need a flatter tummy and thinner and shaped arms. Can't wait to get started.
  • Evenings workout better for me. Going to work and then coming home to cooking and cleaning only leaves the evening for my workout. On my days off I like to get my workouts done first thing in the morning. Sometimes on busy weeks I have to plan where I will be able to squeeze in my workout. Morning, middle of the day or…
  • That's a great advice. Thank you so much!
  • Great, thanks!
  • I have being a member of mfp for last 5 years now and trust me every year I loose weight and then when I am finally happy with my weight I start to get lazy and soon before I know it, I gain it all back and some more. This year again as usual I am on my weight loss mission but this time I am focused on how I will maintain…