nicolet789 Member


  • Yep, that's me! You look like the thin version of me!
  • Unfortunately I don't have that experience. I can eat all day and if I don't eat for too long my stomach starts protesting - in such a way that other people can hear it. But I never had the experience of real hunger to compare with.
  • And 4) the water quality is very high. You can drink it from the tap. So we first drink water if we are thirsty (or tea, coffee, also with tap water) and may add soda or other drinks later just for the sake of variety.
  • Haha the Dutch are down to earth people. But also: the country is safe, there is financial security, we work less hours than Americans, so maybe in general less stress factors. That can make you more happy: not as in extremely happy, but as in less miserable, just being content.
  • Hang the bike on the wall! Instead of a painting.
  • I am Dutch too and I agree with weavingtheweb: although a minority may be really obese, almost half of the population is overweight including me. But I recently read that we still have the best figures of Europe. Some factors that may contribute to that: 1) It's very common here to cycle to work, school, etc. The roads are…
  • Hi, I'm 43 and live in The Netherlands (Europe). I am also checking the Dutch pages of MFP but there are not so much users yet (started recently). I am a mother of a 2,5 yrs old daughter. I've lost weight before (10 yrs ago) but it slowly crept in again, when I fell in love etc. But still in healthy range. However, when I…
  • I intend to join a local Zumba class 1-2 times a week. It's easier to continue exercising when it is fun and I really like dancing.
    in zumba Comment by nicolet789 May 2015
  • Very good job! You look amazing! Here my questions: 1. How do you deal with it when you start feeling hungry? 2. Do you ever experience low blood sugar levels, e.g. shivering? Does that happen more often when on a diet? How to avoid? 3. How do you avoid feeling too obsessed with the weight loss process? Leaving mental…